
The Origin  of CMTrain

A project of the EU

The basis for CMTrain

For decisions in the area of quality management, reliable measuring results are essential.

Due to their flexibility, coordinate measuring devices are frequently applied.. Their results are afflicted to deviations..

Measuring deviations are generated, besides by the coordinate measuring equipment, by its environement, the inspection piece and especially by the metrologist.

Neither courses  offered by machine manufacturers, nor different manufacturer independent courses can cover the demand for approved education in the coordinate metrology. Most of these courses are focused on teacher-centred teaching, which furthermore restricts the course  performance in place and time.

Especially internationally operating companies can take benefit from an uniform and innovative European education standard.

Based on this demand the EU project EUKOM was started in 2002. The defined goals were:: 

  • Development of a Europe-wide, compatible, high-level education in the coordinate metrology
  • Europe-wide uniform learning materials
  • Development of an eLearning platform for metrologists
  • Foundation of a European Association for the Europe-wide promotion of the coordinate metrology education


  • Lehrstuhl Qualitätsmanagement und Fertigungsmesstechnik, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
  • Abteilung für Austauschbau und Messtechnik, Technische Universität Wien, Austria
  • FIM-Neues Lernen, Institut Psychologie I, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
  • Centre for Precision Technologies, School of Computing & Engineering, Universität Huddersfield, UK
  • Regionales Zentrum für industrielle Messtechnik, Technische Universität Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Abt. Fertigungstechnologie und Automatisierung, Universität Bielsko-Biala, Polen
  • Institut Qualitätstechnologie, Interstaatliche Hochschule für Technik Buchs NTB, Switzerland
  • Centre for Geometrical Metrology, Technische Universität Denmark